
Clarity in Goal-Setting

In life, clear goals and objectives are essential to success. You simply cannot succeed with an attitude of “wait-and-see.”

I invite you to take 15 minutes to set some goals for the year. The process of goal-setting is not a passive act. It doesn’t happen automatically – you must take direct, conscious action in order to make it so. Just pick a point in the future, whether it’s one month from now, or six months from now; and spend a few minutes writing out a clear description of where you want to be at that time.

Clarity is defined as: “Free from obscurity; easy to understand.” Likewise, purpose is defined as: “an anticipated outcome that is intended or guides your planned actions.” Goal-setting brings clarity and purpose to your day.

To wake up in the morning with a sense of clarity and purpose helps drive the right behaviors to get you exactly where you want to go. When a commercial jet flies from one city to another, it is off course most of the time, but it keeps measuring its progress and adjusting itself again and again. Maintaining a clear list of goals works in much the same way: it can bring tremendous certainty in deciding what you need to do first.

If setting goals is so important, then why do so few people take the time to define exactly where they want to go? Part of the reason is a lack of knowledge about how to set clear goals. You can go through years of education and never receive any instruction on goal-setting at all. Failure to understand the immense importance of establishing clear goals is extremely common. But those who truly know what they want often outperform everyone else by an enormous degree.

Napolean Hill once said, “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” Setting virtually any goal at all is better than drifting aimlessly with no clear direction. The best way I know to guarantee failure is to avoid making clear, committed decisions. By taking hold of the reins and deciding where you’d like to go, you gain a tremendous sense of control that most people never experience in their lives… So this year, take the reins, and set some clear goals for yourself. Doing this simple act will help you master one of the greatest secrets of success.